Moises Ville protagonista y testigo de una colonización

Moises Ville, una localidad ubicada en el norte de la provincia de Santa Fe a unos 350 Km de Rosario sobre la ruta 34. Fundada por la primera migración judía que llego en el vapor Wesser por allá en el año 1889 con 136 familias. Fue la primer migración organizada pero también fue estafada. Al llegar a la Colonia Palacios, fueron abandonados y permanecieron alli durante 2 años sin donde vivir, mendigando la comida a los trenes que pasaban por esa zona. Sesenta niños murieron en esa larga espera donde las pestes y la desnutrición atacó sin piedad sobre los inmigrantes.El filántropo Barón Hirsch compra las tierras para que las pocas familias que quedaban vivas puedan asentarse y trabajar la tierra para su subsistencia. Y así fue creciendo poco a poco el poblado, el barrio, las familias a pesar de haber pasado por sequías, la peste de la langosta, y también inundaciones se fue conformando lo que se daría en llamar Moises Ville.

Hoy, año 2012, solo el 9% de la población es judía. Los históricos edificios aun existen y se mantienen por descendientes y las pocas familias que quedan y algún que otro guía que recibe donaciones de visitantes.

Un museo, 4 sinagogas, el Cementerio Israelita,la escuela hebrea, el edificio de la Amia,  y el teatro Kadima. No tienen Rabino y este será el último año que la escuela estará abierta. Periódicamente he visto que viaja el Rabino Daniel de la ciudad de Rosario. No hay inscripciones para el próximo año. El Gobierno declaro a una de las sinagogas como Patrimonio Histórico y por lo tanto esta en proceso de refacciones. Nadie mas los ayuda, ni la AMIA ni el gobierno de Israel ni ninguna otra institución.

¿Que pasará de acá a 20 años? ¿seguirá todo en pie y cuidado como hasta ahora? Quien sabe. Los cimientos que las grandes migraciones hacia Argentina han construido, ojalá nunca queden en el olvido.









Moises Ville, a town located in northern Santa Fe province, Argentina, about 350 km from Rosario on Route 34. Founded by the first Jewish migration that came with the steam Wesser which arrived in the year 1889 with 136 families.
It was the first organized migration but also was cheated. Arriving in the Colony Palacios, were abandoned and stayed there for 2 years with no place to live, begging for food to trains passing through the area.
Sixty children have died in that long wait where pests and malnutrition mercilessly attacked on immigrants.The philanthropist Baron Hirsch bought land for the few families that remained alive to settle and work  for their livelihood.
And so gradually  the town grew, neighborhoods, families, despite having gone through drought, plague of locusts, and floods also left to form what would become known as Moises VilleToday, in 2012, only 9% of the population is Jewish.
The historic buildings still exist and are maintained by descendants and the few families left and some other guide that receives donations from visitors.
A museum, 4 synagogues, Jewish Cemetery, the Hebrew school, the Amia building, and the Kadima theater. They have no rabbi and this is the last year that the school will be open. No entries for next year. The Government stated to one of the synagogues and historical heritage and therefore is in the process of renovations. Nobody else helps, or AMIA or the government of Israel or any other institution
What will happen from here to 20 years? Will it still all up and care as usual? Who knows. The foundations of the great migrations to Argentina have been built, and hopefully they will never be forgotten.
fotos: @ViajesyRelatos_

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2 Thoughts to “Moises Ville protagonista y testigo de una colonización”

  1. […] como Moises Ville se formo gracias a la primera colonización Judía en Santa Fe, Basavilbaso es la mas […]

  2. […] Moises Ville, a town located in northern Santa Fe province, Argentina, about 350 km from Rosario on Route 34. Founded by the first Jewish migration that came with the steam Wesser which arrived in the year 1889 with 136 families. It was the first organized migration but also was cheated. Arriving in the Colony Palacios, were abandoned and stayed there for 2 years with no place to live, begging for food to trains passing through the area. Sixty children have died in that long wait where pests and malnutrition mercilessly attacked on immigrants.The philanthropist Baron Hirsch bought land for the few families that remained alive to settle and work  for their livelihood. And so gradually  the town grew, neighborhoods, families, despite having gone through drought, plague of locusts, and floods also left to form what would become known as Moises VilleToday, in 2012, only 9% of the population is Jewish. The historic buildings still exist and are maintained by descendants and the few families left and some other guide that receives donations from visitors. A museum, 4 synagogues, Jewish Cemetery, the Hebrew school, the Amia building, and the Kadima theater. They have no rabbi and this is the last year that the school will be open. No entries for next year. The Government stated to one of the synagogues and historical heritage and therefore is in the process of renovations. Nobody else helps, or AMIA or the government of Israel or any other institution  What will happen from here to 20 years? Will it still all up and care as usual? Who knows. The foundations of the great migrations to Argentina have been built, and hopefully they will never be forgotten. You can also read this post in spanish […]

  3. […] lugar con mucha historia, con la historia de una de las tantas migraciones que tuvo la argentina: Moisesville y la primer colonización judía que llego al […]

  4. sip, y lo que es peor, ellos pagaron por adelantado para asegurarse un lugar donde vivir y cuando llegaron, se encontraron que fueron estafados

  5. Qué horror, hacerlos venir de tan lejos a una tierra totalmente extraña para dejarlos abandonados a su suerte.
    Algo así no tiene nombre.


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